Q&A: Meet Avery Sloane, Your New Favorite Band


☆ BY Faith Luevanos


EARLIER THIS MONTH, I GOT THE CHANCE TO CHAT WITH — Avery Sloane, a Vancouver-based indie-rock band that is paving the way for a new generation of artists by paying homage to some of the great female led bands of our time, but with a unique approach. From the release of their latest single, “Gilbert”, to opening for indie-pop duo Mickey Darling on tour, the band is consistently opening new doors for themselves and providing listeners with a new sound that is sure to take over the indie rock genre. With a strong powerhouse lead, exciting guitar riffs, and poetic yet relatable lyrics, Avery Sloane creates the perfect indie rock teenage daydream that is sure to put themselves on your summer playlists. 

While simultaneously being a fun group to hang out with, the band constantly finds ways to let their personalities shine through their music, creating a refreshing and original environment. They describe their music as “not rock ’n’ roll — more like a mix of good times and bad times wrapped in the comforting blanket that is indie rock.”

Composed of Sloane (guitar/vocals/writing), Ollie Astren (guitar), Knight O’Connor (bass), and Jason Keen (drums), the band sat down with Luna to talk about a myriad of things, including how the band formed by more than half of them getting kicked out of another band, their creative process, and how their newest single, “Gilbert,” was given its title from a stray kitten. Read the interview below.

LUNA: Before we start, how was everyone’s day? What did everyone do today?

SLOANE: Working, hanging out, and vibing, all in that order. (Laughs) That’s it!

LUNA: I love that for y'all. Okay, I want to take it back to the very beginning. What’s the origin story here? How did everyone meet?

SLOANE: [Speaking to the band] Shall we begin? (Laughs) It’s kind of a long story, but I was in another band, got screwed over, but I didn’t want to just not play music anymore. Ever since I was young I wanted to be a rockstar. I got my foot in the door with the other band and got a taste of what it was like, but I wasn’t able to be a part of it anymore, so I was like, “What can I do on my own?”

LUNA: And who came along first to join the band?

SLOANE: I think I reached out to Jason first? Yeah! Because I was recording an EP pretty much just in my bedroom, but the one thing I couldn’t play was drums. Fun fact, I knew Jason because he was in that same band I used to be in for, like, a week, and then also kind of got the boot like I did. So he came to help me record drums on that.

LUNA: Ahh, the exiled joined forces to make another band.

SLOANE: Yes, exactly! Then there was a live show and we needed a guitarist so I thought, “Oh! I know this kid Oliver who also got booted by the same band.”

LUNA: The same band, again? Wow, that’s kind of messed up.

ASTREN, KEEN, SLOANE: [In unison] Yeah… 

SLOANE: But it all worked out in the end of course.

LUNA: As most things tend to. Everything happens for a reason as they say.

SLOANE: Right. After that, we got Knight. There was another girl [who] was supposed to play bass, but she had a lot going on and she said she couldn’t play anymore, but then offered the bass player from her band to play for just the one show. Then [O’Connor] learned all the songs and came to play the show, but we didn’t really know him that well.

O’CONNOR: It was fast and dirty — I only had a week! (Laughs) I don’t know how else to say it! It was just super quick.

KEEN: Full disclosure, Avery came up to me halfway through and asked if [O’Connor] looked like a nerd, and he did. But then he smoked cigarettes and played heavy music. (Group laughs)

LUNA: That was your saving grace for Avery, I suppose! (Group laughs)

SLOANE: I actually lived with Knight for a while, and I can verify now that he’s actually a pretty cool bloke. So that’s our origin story!

LUNA: I’m so glad it worked out for y’all. Are y’all playing any live shows or house shows at the moment? What’s been happening the most lately?

SLOANE: Mostly venue stuff. I don’t think we’ve ever played a house show. A lot of artists that are also in our boat tend to play at more DIY venues though.

LUNA: What does the creative process look like for y’all?

SLOANE: Usually, I’ll send a voice memo with my guitar parts, you know, the basics. Then I send it and we all show up to practice. Knight and Jason will have it, but Ollie probably wouldn’t have heard it yet. (Laughs)

ASTREN: I literally just learn everything on the spot.

SLOANE: The process is really simple — we never really have any conflict working off of each other and collaborating.

O’CONNOR: Jason and I will figure out the groove between the two of us and then work together to back up Avery. And then Ollie just kind of sits on top!

SLOANE: There’s always the notable Ollie riff in the songs.

LUNA: Who do you feel like you take a lot of musical inspiration from? 

KEEN: Avery has a lot of band posters on her wall and every single one represents her sound.

SLOANE: I feel like it changes song to song, but usually I’ll be listening to different types of music and think to myself, “I want to write something like this.” I feel like it’s hard to say just one artist. I feel like there’s a lot of strong, female indie leads out there right now, like Snail Mail, Courtney Barnett… so I just try to broaden that.

O’CONNOR: I think generally, a lot of [Sloane’s] songs remind me of the Pixies. It’s loud and fun and the songs are pretty quick as well. They move around a lot and you’re really focused on the dynamics.

LUNA: That’s such a kind compliment! Congrats on your latest single, “Gilbert,” by the way. What’s the story behind this new single?

SLOANE: Oh my god, this is a classic story.

ASTREN: So my mom lives in the middle of nowhere, about three hours away. She found this stray kitten roaming about, brought it in, but it didn’t get along with her dog. So I was going to take it — I had already picked the name. I was set on Gilbert. I was so excited! I was telling [the band] about this cat as if I already had it, and we were trying to come up with the name for the song, so I suggested we call it “Gilbert” to celebrate the cat I would be getting. (Laughs)

LUNA: That’s so cute — now every time I listen I will be thinking of a cute kitten.

KEEN: Spoiler for the story, though, Ollie never got the kitten because it ended up getting along with his mom’s dog. So it’s technically a heartbreak song. 
LUNA: Aw man, that’s so sad! Hopefully another kitten is in the cards for you in the future, Ollie. Final question that I like to ask: What is everyone’s favorite song at the moment?

SLOANE: “Gilbert” by Avery Sloane or “Could You Be Loved” by Bob Marley.

KEEN: “Be Sweet” by Japanese Breakfast.

ASTREN: “Too Few Tattoos” by Pretty Jane & the Magazines. It’s a banger.
O’CONNOR: “In the Fade” by Queens of the Stone Age. Such a classic. Either that song or “Bucktooth” by Lowertown.

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