Q&A: Ashley Taylor Stands Tall in New Single “Earn It”


☆ BY Kristian Gonzales ☆


FLOATING ABOVE THE WAVES OF HER LIFE — Ashley Taylor re-emerges with her new single, “Earn It.” At the top of 2023, Taylor dropped her sophomore project, DND, which captured the Cincinnati-born singer’s spiritual reclamation from trials and tribulations of toxicity, heartbreak, and lust. Containing cathartic tracks such as the atmospheric ballad “All The Same,” the EP purifies Taylor of demons such as trust issues and unresolved feelings. In the aftermath of the EP’s release into her latest single, she has weathered the storm.

Simmering in a jazzy coffeehouse groove, “Earn It” exudes a warmth that emerges in the singer’s newfound period of unashamed self-love. Complementing the production with rich vocals, Taylor uplifts her audience to embrace their own personal gifts from within themselves through good and bad times.

Introducing herself to Luna, read below as Taylor goes into the insight behind “Earn It,” digs into her love of R&B, and shares her personal philosophy as an artist.

LUNA: Hey, Ashley! When did your initial passion for music start? What drew you into R&B and soul?

TAYLOR: My passion for music started as early as I could remember. I was drawn to R&B/soul because of the emotions [they were] able to bring out of me and the way my biggest influences (Summer Walker, Lauryn Hill, Jazmine Sullivan, and Ari Lennox) were able to articulate feelings I couldn't verbally express. It became my form of self-expression.

LUNA: What were some of the earliest experiences in which you found your confidence and voice as a performer and songwriter?

TAYLOR: My earliest memory was singing on my karaoke machine. I loved performing so much I would make my family sit and watch me perform as if they were my audience. I also did a lot of theater growing up and attended and graduated from the Cincinnati School for Creative and Performing Arts from the ages 10–17.

Throughout this time I fell in love with being on stage and performing — I played piano, did film acting, and did everything I could to learn more and grow artistically. I started songwriting at 15 years old. I wanted to channel my emotions musically and influence others the way R&B has for me. I knew I was capable of something much greater and decided to explore my passions. 

LUNA: Upon your move from Cincinnati to LA, how did your growth as a singer shift? Did you feel any pressure to remain true to your style in a new music scene?

TAYLOR: My growth shifted immensely. Having grown up in a city where not many people pursued the non-traditional career path of being an artist, I wasn't surrounded by a lot of creatives and have always been my own motivation to keep creating and improving. When I moved to LA to attend USC for [their] music industry program, I was immersed in a group of creative individuals who made my hunger and passion grow even stronger, something I didn't even think was possible. It inspired me to think outside of the box and remove any restrictive beliefs I had ever placed on myself and my creativity.

I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. In an industry that's focused very heavily on logistics, status, and social media, I initially felt anxious about what the future would hold for me, but I never strayed from who I am both personally [and] creatively. I feel that if you remain authentic and true to yourself, you will always succeed. I am confident that my sound is unique and I am capable of succeeding in any music scene because of how rooted I am.

LUNA: Noting your partnership with your longtime producer Max Delgado from the start of your journey to now, what are the biggest lessons you’ve learned from him when it comes to your self-expression as a musician?

TAYLOR: Max has not only shown me that other creatives can be compassionate about me and believe in me and what I have to offer creatively, but has also pushed me to go out of my comfort zone. Since we’ve been working together since I was 15, we both helped each other grow and explore new sounds. Because of this, we are constantly creating music that is new and refreshing. On top of this, we’ve built a collaborative friendship that will last a lifetime.

LUNA: What was the inspiration and process behind the creation of your latest single “Earn It”?

TAYLOR: “Earn It” is a soulful, empowering track about self-discovery and learning your own worth. In a generation of lust and toxicity, I have been told to lower my standards and expectations to meet the needs of others. Through my experiences, I've learned to never settle or lower myself for anyone. In turn, I strongly believe in alignment and only allowing people in my life who meet me on my level of love and compassion.

I have always strived for the “fantasy” of love that I grew up watching in movies and fairytales. “Earn It” is a reminder to honor your standards and value yourself, to keep believing in romance and the belief in something greater. I want this song to really empower and encourage my listeners to always strive for the best. It took me about two to three weeks to finish writing the song (longer than usual) because I was touching a sound that was brand new and out of my comfort zone. I had a clear vision for how I wanted it to sound and made sure it was executed the way I envisioned. 

LUNA: How does “Earn It” pick up emotionally from where you left off with your newest project, DND?

TAYLOR: When I was writing DND I was in the process of self-discovery. Understanding my value and worth through heartbreak and healing. Because of that journey, I gained a lot of emotional intelligence, shifts in my perspective and developed mindsets that influenced the confidence shown through “Earn It.” In DND, I was beginning to understand that my love was special, and “Earn It” was an ode to my new standards and the promises I've made to myself to be better at discerning who's worthy of my love.

LUNA: A couple lines that cut deep are “You know I don’t be giving out my time for free / You know I won’t be giving out my mind for free.” As an artist, have you always been living by these words? If so, how hard has it been to stick by them through different challenges in your road?

TAYLOR: I haven't always stuck to these words, but they remain true for me in the present and for the future. My struggles with sticking to these words stem from having a huge heart, genuine intentions, and a lot of love to give. Being pure and genuine in this generation can oftentimes feel like a huge risk because many people aren’t able to reach me on that level. In the past I had lowered myself to make people comfortable or make them deserving of me, but now I require that the people in my life meet me on my level.

LUNA: Through the unashamed honesty of songs on DND tackling the darker side of relationships, how much do you pride your music on inspiring your audience to self-reflect and embrace a more thoughtful approach to love?

TAYLOR: It is my greatest gift and the most invaluable thing ever to me to impact and inspire my audience. It is the utmost form of love to not only show up for yourself with love, but also for others. Through sharing my knowledge, my pain, my lessons, and my growth, I'm able to connect with listeners on a deeper level. I believe vulnerability is my superpower. I am grateful to be capable of supporting, comforting, and healing others. I want to be able to protect and help my listeners channel their inner strengths and gain a better understanding of themselves. 

LUNA: What can we expect after this single?

TAYLOR: I’m putting out two more singles this summer (dates TBD). One is called “New Apartment” and the other is called “Like I Do/Lose You.” I also will be putting out a ton of cool visuals and live versions of my songs! I am also performing a lot around LA with my band. Our next shows are June 28 at The Mint and July 11 at the Adults Only Bar with Breaking Sound.

Photos by Ricky Dee

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