PREMIERE: Finding Love Like in the Movies on Lawson Hull’s New Single “Wanna Be With You”


Alicia Casey


FOREVER ISN’T LONG ENOUGH — for Lawson Hull. He wants to be in love far beyond that. Inspired by the great cinematic romances of our time, the singer-songwriter is following that euphoric feeling of going where love takes him, whether that be dancing under the streetlights or swimming until the sun comes up. His songwriting conveys a sense of endlessness in all directions, inviting listeners to come along for the ride. 

For Hull, life is 10 times better when it’s lived on the edge. He searches for adventure in everyday moments and sees where it takes him. It’s a story of being wrapped up in love, getting carried away, and living for the thrill of it all. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime ecstasy he wants listeners to know they can have, too, if they let themselves live in the moment and go for it. 

With a twangy guitar, modern indie-folk melodies, and an unforgettable dream pop sound, Hull’s new single, “Wanna Be With You,” embarks on an emotional joyride filled with otherworldly bliss. It tells the story of two young lovers meeting for a night out and getting so wrapped up in each other that they don’t ever want it to end. From the first line to the last melody, the song reminds us of the beauty of being young and in love and absolutely alive. 

It’s an anthem about having no regrets when it comes to love, except, maybe, not doing more. Stream “Wanna Be With You” now and mark your calendars for the release of Hull’s upcoming EP, Mountain Days, set for release on Feb. 10, 2023.

Read below to fall deeper in love with Hull’s songwriting.

LUNA: You mention how “the best love songs paint a scene.” What scene went through your mind when writing your new single, “Wanna Be With You?”

HULL: I think of movies my partner loves (and I secretly do too), like 500 Days of Summer, Love Actually, The Notebook… that kind of thing. Where time flies and lovers are infatuated; those first few months in a relationship. 

LUNA: Are there any films that inspired you during the songwriting process?

HULL: Well there ya go. Already answered (haha). In truth, at the time of writing, who knows what I was watching? I was probably bingeing some terrible reality TV show with my partner. A healthy balance of top-quality cinema and absolute trash. 

LUNA: How does the music video tie into this idea of this whirlwind romance?

HULL: I’d have to be honest and say there’s probably no sincere connection between the clip and the song and that’s just what I wanted. I felt like doing something a bit different without straying from my typical, nonchalant self. Of course, it’s going to be great hearing everyone’s interpretations of the clip, but for me, I’m happy for it to stand alone as this strange accompaniment to a love song. Maybe it’s something cringe like fishing for love.

LUNA: What was your favorite part about working with Riley Pearce on this new single?

HULL: Riley is such a deep thinker. When he has an idea, it’s just so captivating. He’s all about the story. So if there’s one to be told, he wants it to shine in the song and not be told half-heartedly. It’s gotta be believable like you’re there and it’s relatable. The best thing about working with Riley is the way he prompts you to figure out your own ideas. It always comes back to being genuine. He never tries to make the song his own. He’s a brilliant songwriter and first-time producer. 

LUNA: Who was the first person you shared the finished song with, and why did you want them to hear it first?

HULL: I would’ve shown the earliest version to my wife because she’s my number one fan. Later versions were probably to my close mate who’s got similar music taste to me, and he’s a low-key frother! I know he likes something I’ve made when he kinda says nothing about it for a few days, then out of nowhere starts telling me all the parts he likes!

LUNA: Can you describe the vibe of your EP, Mountain Days, coming out in February of 2023? 

HULL: Hmm, the vibe is Lawson Hull trying to sound like Day Wave crossed with Toledo, but it turns out sounding way too Lawson Hull! It’s kind of road-trippy and easy listening. It represents a time and place — where I live and where I am currently moving from.

LUNA: What was the first thing you did after you officially finished the EP? 

HULL: Drank a beer, gave a few pats on the backs, took a selfie with the crew, and got ice cream with Riley on the way home.

LUNA: When this album was a blank canvas, what were some things that you knew you needed to color it with?

HULL: I felt like I needed to insert myself into the electric guitar parts more. I’ve never been confident in playing the parts I come up with. But this time around I let some guards down and got down whatever shittiness came out. I knew the tones of the EP needed to be happy and nostalgic, so that meant playing lots of acoustic guitars and experimenting with pedals for the electrics. We wanted to find the weirdest sounds that still had familiarity somehow. Listening through good speakers or headphones, you can hear some cool shit going on.

LUNA: Who was your most unexpected musical influence when recording this EP?

HULL: Blink-182… “I Miss You.”

LUNA: If Mountain Days was a movie, who would you cast as the romantic leads and what would the storyline be?

HULL: Naturally, Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling would play me, of course. The lead female role… Jennifer Lawrence. It would be a film about love, adventure and finding yourself. Think of Into The Wild mixed with some Secret Life of Walter Mitty in there.

LUNA: How do you work through your anxiety and self-doubt when releasing such intimate songs?

HULL: I just remember I’ve decided to do this for a living, and there’s no fear in being open. Obviously, not everything I write is real life, but the tone I write in is real to me. People are always going to have interpretations and judgments on things and that’s cool. Half your audience might not even like the new stuff you release, but that’s cool too, maybe they will down the road. Everything makes sense in time. I can’t say I’ve always written with an honest heart, but there’s a song or two on this new EP that is particularly raw.

LUNA: Do you have any advice for those currently experiencing the ups and downs of their own love story?

HULL: Find the right person and your ups will stay up for longer and the downs won’t be so low. Everyone says love is hard, but that’s bullshit. It’s easy if you look out for each other and have a cup of tea with them daily!

LUNA: After listening to Mountain Days, what do you hope listeners walk away with? 

HULL: A sense of adventure and a curiosity for the people around you. Especially for the people you love.





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