Premiere: Hector Morlet Takes Into His Colorful World of Fun With "Party…ahaha”


TAKING YOU TO SCENARIES OF COLOR AND GOOD VIBES - it takes just a few seconds for Hector Morlet to welcome you into his world with his new “Party…ahaha” music video. Teaming up with the iconic director Matt Sav (Tame Impala, Spacey Jane, Pond), Morlet takes the viewer on a fun ride that perfectly reflects the charming feel of the track. The Perth-based producer sports a variety of eccentric outfits throughout the video created by his girlfriend, Leyla Allerton, with each scene and outfit capturing your eye even more.

“Party…ahaha” serves as the new single on Morlet’s debut EP Music for Squares, coming April 22nd. The EP brings in elements of Morlet’s signature bedroom pop sound while showcasing his growth as a writer and producer. The “Party…ahaha” video highlights Morlet’s creativity beyond just the music scene and allows the viewer to truly get a sense of what the artist is all about.

Check out the premiere of the “Party…ahaha” music video and read on to learn more about the making of the video and what’s next for Hector Morlet.

LUNA: Congrats on the release of the “Party…ahaha” video! Before we dive into the video itself, how did the name of the track come to be?

MORLET: Well the song is about fun (and its feelings of uneasiness) and I thought the name kind of reflects that. It matches the limp, half-thought lyrics of the song. The word Party is synonymous with fun and the other bit is uncomfortable to say. But to be honest not much thought went into it, I just reckoned it’d be funny.

LUNA: Can you share a favorite moment from the making of the video?

MORLET: I think the scene when I jumped off the wall. Matt’s camera was running low on battery so we had to do it fast. I jumped over and over and I was running around putting on all different costumes. That was fun. Another nice moment was when we finished filming the scene where I unwrapped that tall light / mini obelisk thing. That was the last scene we filmed, and we were on top of Monument Hill in Freo, which has a really beautiful view. The sun was setting and there was a group of school kids all dressed up taking photos before their ball. Leyla (who made the cover art for the song) walked up the hill to hang out with Matt and I. We were trying (and failing) to get the yellow material over the top of the obelisk, and one of the limo drivers (for the ball goers) told me that if we threw it from the up-wind side then we could get it over the top. And that we did - thanks to that kind limo driver. The scene was over in a matter of seconds, and it felt victorious (in the ridiculous way that doing stupid stunts and filming them with a friend can feel victorious) and I felt satisfied with it all.

LUNA: The editing on this one is insane - I can’t even imagine how long it took. What was the process like once you wrapped the actual filming? 

MORLET: That was all Matt! He’s a genius with all that stuff. We talked a bit about what we wanted to do with it all, and what kind of effects/tricks could be good to use. I think Matt kind of took influence from the video I made for ‘Surprise!’ But he took it and ran in some interesting directions with all his filmmaking skills in tow.

LUNA: What do you like about bringing the visual side of your music to life? 

MORLET: It gives me an excuse to do some stuff I usually wouldn’t do. I used to dislike the idea of having to deal with visuals (the attitude that REAL musicians don’t care about that…), but now I think it’s a huge opportunity to give the listener a better idea of what you’re all about. I enjoy trying to come up with ideas that will really catch people, and I enjoy working with people that are passionate about it.

LUNA: Do you see yourself ever directing videos for other people?

MORLET: Directing seems like a lot to take on and I think I’ve got enough on my plate for now.

LUNA: With this video out, what’s next for you? 

MORLET: I’m releasing an EP really soon! Me and the band will be playing lots of gigs this year too





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