Now Listening: This Week's Tracks


kid apollo- “lost in her phone”

Brixton, London-based lo-fi R&B trio kid apollo drops raw new single “lost in her phone.” Tender and emotionally rich, this lo-fi track dives into the experience of feeling close, yet not connected to someone— unable to grab their genuine attention in an age when a world of distractions is found at the tap of your phone. The trio went to school together in Reading and have been making music together for the entirety of their adult lives, leading to an air of intimacy in their music that pairs well with their introspective lyrical content— you can tell these people have made music together for a long time, as their songs sound like they come from a solo artist. With textured analog effects, sleepy piano melodies, and hazy vocals, this song sounds like a poetic voicemail to a close friend who is hard to reach and we at Luna cannot get enough of it. 

Cal in Red - “Replay (Lounge)”

Cal in Red is everything you need whenever a pick me up is needed. With a flirty guitar melody and sweet vocals, their new single, “Replay (Lounge),” takes you through a deep and important bond in whatever way you want to define that. The track pulls you in with its catchy melody throughout, and the vocals wrap around you warmly – you won’t be able to get enough. It’s just enough energy to get you on your feet, but also let’s you just take all the good in. The single is from the duo’s sophomore EP On The Dance Floor, and if this is the glimpse of what's to come, we’re excited. 


