Video Debut: argonaut&wasp "(We're) Alive"


FROM A DORM ROOM PROJECT TO TRAVELING ALL OVER AND BECOMING A STAPLE IN THE SYNTH POP SCENE - argonaut&wasp have carefully crafted a fun and inviting sound, accompanied perfectly by their charming visuals. The duo highlights their creativity and out of the box thinking with their latest video for “(We’re) Alive”, filmed at the TWA airport. After releasing an EP and numerous singles throughout 2019 and into early 2020, argonaut&wasp continues to create a foundation filled with dancey and carefree tunes, perfect for keeping your spirits high this summer. Watch their latest video for “(We’re) Alive” and read more to learn about filming the video, what they’ve been up to in quarantine and more.

LUNA: Over the past couple of years you’ve put out a really strong catalog showing your growth as artists. What are some of the main ways you’ve seen your sound evolve? 

A&W: Our sound seems to eb and flow around our live show. The more time we're together as a four-piece band the more "live" our recorded music sounds. When we are writing and adjusting songs after trying them out during our show we can see what works best live. Not everything translates from a studio recording to the stage and vice-versa.

LUNA: “(We’re) Alive” touches on the longing to connect and collaborate, a topic really relevant these days. Are there any common themes or narratives you’ve been drawn to with recent music?

A&W: Songs these days are extremely self-reflective - artists dealing with and facing their emotions. As we grow into ourselves as songwriters, we’re inspired by writers who are not only unabashedly honest but also sending positive vibes. 

LUNA: What’s been inspiring you guys lately? 

A&W: What's been inspiring is trying to create a body of work that doesn't take itself too seriously. Having fun with the process and taking risks is the key to writing music that stands the test of time! Also we have been listening to our favorite records to pick out tones, fx, and instruments to use those in our records.

LUNA: It looks like you guys had a lot of fun filming the video for “(We’re) Alive”. How was the creative process for this like? What role did y’all play in the planning and execution of it? 

A&W: We had a blast filming it. Video has been a huge part of our act and we love coming up with characters, going all-in on narrative music videos to tell the story behind our music. Yet from all of the touring this year we were pressed on budget & time - with only a few days back in New York before heading down south for festivals to shoot something. We came up with the visual concept of a paper airplane flying through the air & thought that would be really cool. The challenge was figuring out how to suspend a paper plane and throw a camera behind it to make it look real… luckily a good friend of ours, Anthony Santos, who works in film had some serious tricks up his sleeve and helped us find the right rig. With the help of another friend of ours, Colin Hughes, Anthony ended up shooting & editing the whole thing.

The location couldn't have worked out better, we booked a room at the TWA the night before flying out of New York. After shooting we chilled in the roof-top pool and got ready for some warm southern weather ;)

LUNA: Looking back, can you share a favorite moment in particular from the process for filming “(We’re) Alive”? 

A&W: We really enjoyed playing outside of the airplane and watching the girls ride around on their rollerskates!

LUNA: On the more visual end, are there references or influences that you look to for your visual aesthetic? 

A&W: We like to keep it funky yet professional.


LUNA: Is there something you’d like listeners to take away from your music?

A&W: We'd like our listeners to feel refreshed and engaged. No more passive listening! 

LUNA: How have you been taking care of yourself lately? Any fun new quarantine hobbies? 

A&W: Lots of chess, reading, and fernet. Singing in the shower, coffee in bed, Mezcal on the roof. 

LUNA: Now that you’ve got “We’re Alive” out, do you have any upcoming goals or plans you’d like to share? 

A&W: Hard to say, keep your ears tuned.





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Q&A: Hollyy
