Q&A: Zimmer90 Discusses True Expression, Spontaneous Inspiration and New EP ‘What Love Is’


☆ BY Izzy Petraglia


THE ECLECTIC DUO OF BEST FRIENDS AND CREATIVE PARTNERS FROM GERMANY — Zimmer90, have been taking the world by storm with their disco-inspired pop hits. The duo, Finn Gronemeyer and Joscha Becker, have recently announced both a North American tour and their new EP, What Love Is, is out now.

The two tackle a variety of genres together under the Zimmer90 project. Influences from yacht rock, ’60s French pop, and psychedelia can be heard across their catalog, but nothing is off the table in their work. They always find ways to integrate their external creative interests into their music, treating Zimmer90 as an art project rather than a band.

The title single for the EP, What Love Is, became a smash online at the end of 2023, but the momentum of success for the duo did not end there. Luna sat down with Gronemeyer and Becker to discuss their inspirations, recording process, and what they look forward to as their career propels forward. Read the interview below.

LUNA: Congratulations on release of your new EP, What Love Is! I heard it was performed and recorded in Joscha’s grand-aunt’s studio space. How does the recording/creative process compare and contrast with your earlier work?

ZIMMER90: The record was made in many different places. We get a lot of inspiration from the spaces we are in. Besides our studio, this could be a kitchen in the apartment, a garden table, or the tour bus. We love to be spontaneous and work whenever inspiration strikes.

LUNA: You guys have mentioned that piano lessons and your teacher had a large impact on the band’s creation. What were some other factors that came into play when you decided to start releasing music together?

ZIMMER90: That’s right, our piano teacher set us up back then. He also encouraged us to release our music. We simply enjoyed making music together. Back then, we already felt the special thing that lay in our connection. We didn’t think too much about the release itself. It was mostly so our friends could listen to our stuff.

LUNA: You’ve talked about how some of your influences include Tame Impala, Beach House, Men I Trust, and many more — anything that includes a wide synth pad. What are other qualities that you feel drawn to in the artists that influence you?

ZIMMER90: We always value music that seems heartfelt and true. It is also nice when a recording is like a house that you can enter and live in for a while. We also try to create places with our music that people can enter and be themselves in.

LUNA: The sound you guys have developed blends a variety of genres. I hear a lot of disco, ’60s French pop, psychedelia — the list goes on. Beyond musical influences, what inspired you to curate this sound for yourselves?

ZIMMER90: It just happens naturally, and we never know what comes next. It’s more like the songs move through us and we just have to let them happen. We don’t start a song like, “Oh, this should sound like a psych-pop song, let’s construct this.” We are looking for moments of true expression rather than producing a certain style or genre. But the music we’ve been listening to certainly influences what we will play and sing.

LUNA: Piggy-backing off that, outside of music, what are your favorite outlets for creativity, and where do you see a bridge between the two parties?

ZIMMER90: We love to paint and draw. [We] also have a great interest in design and architecture. It’s nice to surround yourself with other pieces of art rather than only listening to music.

LUNA: You’ve been touring Europe on a run of sold-out headlining shows and have a North American tour in the works. What are you looking forward to the most about these upcoming shows? Are there any cities you’re particularly looking forward to seeing?
ZIMMER90: We’re looking forward to playing in Mexico City. [We’ve] heard so many great things about this place and the people living there.

LUNA: Over the last year, and since the release of What Love Is, you’ve both seen your music pick up a lot of traction. What helps you take that moment to “smell the roses” and become present with such high success?

ZIMMER90: Most of the time, traditional achievements are not as important to us. Little things can mean so much more. It’s way more fulfilling to get details done that mean a lot to us. For example, decorating our studio with beautiful pieces of decoration. 

LUNA: On the other hand, what are you looking forward to down the line in your career as an artist?

ZIMMER90: Keep building a life for ourselves as artists and friends. Creating music and art as much as possible. Having a beautiful space where we can record and live.

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